Sunday, 5 October 2008

Types of Leukodystrophy

-Infantile onset= baby
-Late infantile onset = toddler
-Intermediate onset = schoolchild
-Juvenile = teenager

-Infantile onset
-Late infantile

- Late infantile
- Adult

Pelizaeus Merzbacher


- Infantile
- Adult


- Mild
- Pseudo-Zellweger

Vanishing White Matter

Aicardi Goutier


N.B. Around 50% of children or adults diagnosed with leukodystrophy never get their condition fully classified, in which case their condition will probably be known throughout their life simply as 'leukodystrophy', 'progressive leukodystrophy' or an unclassified demyelinating disease.

This list is not definitive, but contains most of the main manifestations of the disease types. Many other names you may come across might well be other names for a type listed here.

Welcome to the Site

Those of you who stumbled across this probably googled 'Leukodystrophy'. This is going to be an information resources and a news site about these diseases. Since this is just the first day of this blog's life, most of the resources will still be 'coming soon!' instead of 'available now!'. For the time being though, here is the link a brief informational video I made about the leukodystrophies to get you started:

More coming soon...