Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Rice Cushions - Great for Aromatherapy and Fluctuating Temperatures

Many people in the late stages of leukodystrophy experience repeated infections that cause fever, but also temperature fluctuations due to damaged myelin in areas of the brain that regulate temperature. This is a little trick that may help.

1. Find four cotton cushion covers that are tightly woven, and fill two of them with dry, uncooked rice, corn or buckweat. Don't stuff them full, let there be some room for the filling to flow and the cushions to mould to desired shapes.

2. If you want, add some scent such as dried lavender, cammomile and lemon peel, and put these in the filled cushion covers too.

3. Sew the filled cushion covers firmly shut, place each in an empty cushion cover and sew these shut too. Now you have what look like two cushions.

4. If you want to use them you can either microwave them for a couple of minutes, or put them in the freezer for 45 minutes, depending on whether the person's temperature is too high or low. If the person's temperature is swinging between extremes, one can be microwaved and one can be put in the freezer, and as the temperature fluctuates, you can switch between the two.

WARNING: Make sure the rice does not overheat by heating it for a maximum of 20 seconds at a time in the microwave, then testing the temperature. Place a non-metal glass of water in with the sock to prevent a fire starting. Always test the temperature of the heated/chilled rice cushion on your own cheek or arm first, to make sure it is not uncomfortably hot or cold.

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